Review Policy

Current queue: 8

Genre Fiction specialties: young adult, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, romance/erotica

Non-Fiction specialties: technology, music, education

cup-of-coffee3 = This book has serious issues with one or more of the following: structure, characters/characterization, dialogue, plot, pacing, grammar/usage. The issues rendered the work unreadable.

cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3 = This book has serious issues with the items mentioned above, but it had one or two redeeming qualities that made it worth finishing.

cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3 = A solid read. No noticeable issues.

cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3 = An excellent read with well-developed characters, interesting plot, good pacing, and believable dialogue. Kept me wanting to turn the pages.

cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3cup-of-coffee3 = “I loved it.” I rarely give this out. Requires transcendence.

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Novellas (25k-50k words): $10

Novels (50k-90k): $15

Novels (90k-120k+): $25

*I reserve the right not to review a novel once received. I do not review books I cannot finish. There will be no charge in this case.

❤ ❤ ❤

To request a review or for more information, please use the contact box below.


5 thoughts on “Review Policy

  1. Pingback: #WomanCrushWednesday Author Edition, Marissa Meyer | raeleighreads

  2. I laughed so hard at love triangles and dragons. I can’t wait until you are accepting books again so I can send you mine. So good to see someone else hates love triangles as much as I do! The world does need more dragons. Unfortunately I can only offer pirates at this time. Looking forward to your submissions opening again. 😄


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